Following the unanimous decision by the CFATF Council of Ministers at Special Ministerial III which was held in Miami, United States on Friday 25th August 2012, Senator The Honourable Allison Maynard-Gibson, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, formally accepted the position on behalf of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas at Plenary Meeting XXXVI in the Virgin Islands.
Deputy Chair Maynard-Gibson thanked all CFATF Members “for reposing your confidence in our country and our people” and noted that “it was an honour and privilege to be of service to the CFATF family of nations for a second time and particularly so on the special occasion of its twentieth anniversary”
“The Commonwealth of the Bahamas” Deputy Chair Maynard- Gibson continued, “advances the imperative of maximizing the impact of the expertise and resources in the Region. We urge and commit to cooperation, assistance, and collaboration in advancing internationally accepted standards of excellence and compliance with the FATF recommendations. We also advance the importance of good and strong partnerships with the international community.”
In pledging her country’s full support to the goals and objectives during the next year, Deputy Chair Maynard-Gibson noted that “Technical Assistance and Training are of critical importance to our Members and accordingly the Bahamas welcomes the initiative of preparing a Technical Assistance and Training Master Plan and intends to give our fullest support to Chairman Jallow’s Work Programme.
She also confirmed that “The Commonwealth of Bahamas intends to play an active role as counselor to those Members that are under FATF and CFATF ICRG scrutiny, and that her country “will provide Technical Assistance and Training to our colleagues and be the guardian of this organization’s reputation in the global AML/CFT network.”
For the full text of Deputy Chair Maynard- Gibson’s Remarks go to REMARKS OF THE INCOMING DEPUTY CHAIR OF THE CFATF